Tuesday, September 4, 2007

When things that should be a joke turn out to be serious...

P.Z. over at Pharyngula turned up this tragedy. This is what three Presidential Candidates take seriously?
My favorite panel you ask? Seven rows down, the one on the right. It says, "God created man, animals, and plants - in the same week! They were created, not evolved."
And its got the little picture there, with the lion... and the peacock... and the zebra... and the stegosaurus... Wait, what was that last one? Yeah, that's right. A stegosaurus. With the peacock. All historical irony aside, what seems most funny about this creationist propaganda is that it actually depicts a scene that could potentially disprove Darwinian Evolution. If you did find the fossils of a modern lion in the same strata as the fossils of a stegosaurus, you'd put the Darwinist camp into a panic.
Any creationists in the room? *hunker down y'all* You know they did find those fossils? Yeah! And we're all conspiring to keep it from the creationists, so keep this under your hat!
Seriously, we've found hundreds of thousands of fossilized bits of ancient life. We've never discovered a single one that disputed Darwinian Evolution. Why are we still arguing about this?


Rusko Elvenwood said...

I clicked on the link and tried to read then Chick Tract. I got up to the part where it said that dinosaurs had a problem breathing the air after the flood because of the lack of plants creating oxygen. Then I scanned over the rest of it and realized I'm going to hell. I love how they print 'see Gen. 5-7' as if they are citing a resource. If all your citations come from the same book, then you've got some faulty reasoning going on I think.

The reason that the creation/evolution argument is still on is because of crap like that still being created and worse believed by people. The new creation museum is another example.

Good first post. I enjoyed your writing.

Unknown said...

I was reading something a few days ago about naturalists having to answer creationist questions from the tourists coming from the creation museum. Thomas Jefferson nailed that situation imo:
"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions"

Holly Woodard said...

I know I'm showing my ignorance here, but I still don't get how jesus can be god AND the son of god. Is that like I'm my own grandpa?

Keefer Milton said...

I think it's a Quantum Leap kinda thing. Jesus is hoping putting the next thing right will bring him to the next Leap that will be the Leap home...

Unknown said...

lol, man that was has been argued about for a dozen centuries. People have murdered other people for exactly that question. Is the xtian got a trinity or one god? Personally, I'd have dumped the old testament entirely when I invented it.